
Media and Sermons

We're actively uploading new media and sermons to our website.  See a list below of the latest sermons and materials.  If you have any questions about this, please feel free to send us a note:


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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
05/31/15 Introduction to Biblical Evidences John Coffman Bible Class Evidences of the Bible Sun AM JC_5-31-15_Intro_to_biblical_Evidences.mp3
05/31/15 Dreaming the Dream and Seeing the Vision Brent Hunter Sermon N/A Sun AM BH_5-31-15_Dreaming_the_Dream.mp3
05/31/15 Risk-Takers, Care-Takers, Under-Takers Brent Hunter Sermon N/A Sun PM BH_5-31-15_Risk_takers_Care_takers_Under_takers.mp3
05/27/15 Encountering the Old Testament Leviticus 20 Brent Hunter Bible Class Encountering the Old Testament Wed Bible Study BH_5-27-15_Leviticus_20.mp3
05/24/15 The Restoration Princicple part 5 Brent Hunter Bible Class The history of the Church Sun Bible Study BH_5-24-15_The_Restoration_part_5.mp3
05/24/15 If You are Given A Solo in Life - Sing Out part 1 Brent Hunter Sermon N/A Sun AM A_Lesson_For_Singles_-_Part_1.pdf A_Lesson_for_Singles_-_Part_1_-_Interactive_Outline.pdf BH_5-24-15_If_you_are_given_a_solo_sing_out.mp3
05/24/15 If You are Given a Solo In Life - Sing Out part 2 Brent Hunter Sermon N/A Sun PM A_Lesson_for_Singles_-_Part_2_-_Interactive_Outline.pdf BH_5-24-15_zif_you_are_given_a_solo_sing_out_part_2.mp3
05/20/15 Encountering the Old Testament Leviticus 18 Brent Hunter Bible Class Encountering the Old Testament Wed Bible Study BH_5-20-15_Leviticus_18.mp3
05/17/15 The Restoration Principle part 4 Brent Hunter Bible Class The history of the Church Sun AM BH_5-17-15_The_Restoration_part_4.mp3
05/17/15 Activating the Next Generation Brent Hunter Sermon N/A Sun AM Activating_Faith_in_the_Next_Generation_-_Interactive_Outline.pdf Activating_the_Next_Generation.pdf BH_5-17-15_Activating_the_Next_Generation.mp3
05/17/15 Our Faith Gives Us A Sense of Purpose Brent Hunter Sermon N/A Sun PM BH_517-15_Our_Faith_Gives_Us__A_Sense_of_Purpose.mp3
05/13/15 Encountering the Old Testament Leviticus Brent Hunter Bible Class Encountering the Old Testament Wed Bible Study BH_5-13-15_Encountering_the_Old_Testament_Lev.mp3
05/10/15 1950-2000 cont Brent Hunter Bible Class The history of the Church Sun Bible Study BH_5-10-15_1950-2000.mp3
05/10/15 Hannah: A Profile of a Godly Mother 1 Sam 1-2 Brent Hunter Sermon N/A Sun AM Hannah_-_A_Profile_of_a_Godly_Mother.pdf Hannah_-_A_Profile_of_a_Godly_Mother_-_Interactive_Outline.pdf BH_5-10-15_Hannah_A_Godlly_Mother.mp3
05/10/15 The Offering for the Cleansing of a Leper Lev 14:1-7 Brent Hunter Sermon N/A Sun PM BH_5-10-15_Cleansing_of_a_Leper.mp3
05/06/15 Leviticus Overview Brent Hunter Bible Class Encountering the Old Testament Wed Bible Study BH_5-6-15_Leviticus_Overview.mp3
05/03/15 Attitudes and Issues 1950-2000 cont Brent Hunter Bible Class The history of the Church Sun Bible Study BH_5-3-15_Attitudes_and_Issues_1900-2000_cont.mp3
05/03/15 Instrumental Music Analyzing the Arguments Brent Hunter Sermon Instrumental music Sun AM BH_5-3-15_Instrumental_Music_Ananlyzing_the_Arguments.mp3
04/29/15 Outside the Camp Leviicus 13 45-46 Brent Hunter Bible Class Encountering the Old Testament Wed Bible Study BH_04-29-15_Outside_the_Camp.mp3
04/26/15 Attitudes and Issues 1950-2000 Brent Hunter Bible Class The history of the Church Sun Bible Study BH_04-26-15_1950-2000.mp3

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