Soul Winners

Soul Winners

Welcome to what I hope you will find a wonderful resource for effective soul-winning!  If you are a church leader,  I hope this will also be an aid to you  in “equipping the saints” (Eph 4:12) to be effective in this the most important of all human endeavors. If you are super busy and you would like a quick one-page summary of the Big Picture and the four "fishing tools" available to help you to be successful, click on this PDF file which you can print out and show to others entitled: "Easy To Teach - Great Results."  Please be sure to go through the rest of this material because I have some really practical, motivational, and hopefully life changing information to share with you!

I read recently, that when asked how often Christians had shared their faith in the past year, 95% of the respondents replied they had not shared their faith!  Not even once.  Really?  Can that possibly be true?  I have asked audiences around the country that same question, and received with few exceptions, the same approximate percentage.  Sadly, it is not only true, but even more alarming, in some congregations, it has become the acceptable norm.  Clearly, the culture of evangelistic fervor and zeal found in the book of Acts, has yet to be restored in too many congregations! 

So, on the face of it, this simple fact explains why most congregations are not growing.  Haggai asked a very good question, “Is the seed yet in the barn” (Haggai 2:19)?  In most cases today, the answer is “yes.”   Obviously, we can’t sow the seed, if we keep it to ourselves!  And if we sow sparingly, we cannot expect to have a bountiful harvest (2 Cor 9:6)! 

Okay, the major problem is the seed is not being sown regularly by most Christians.   However, the real issue is why is this the case?  How can we successfully change the church culture, so that sharing one’s faith is an absolute top priority?   Instead of just complaining about the typical status quo out there, I have been convicted in my heart to be a part of the solution.  The interest you have shown by clicking on this section of our web-site demonstrates you have a similar desire.  Dear reader, THANK YOU for your interest in the souls of others!

Let me summarize the overall problem and solutions to this subject with a broad brush first.   The following will give you sort of a thumbnail sketch, and you can fill in the colors that are most meaningful to you.  It will also help you to understand why I have laid out this section of the site the way I have.   So, bottom line, why don’t most Christians share their faith?

First of all, when my brethren sing “I want to be a soul-winner for Jesus”, I believe they are sincere!  I am convinced that the problem in most cases,   is not motives, but motivation.   The solution?  Local churches and evangelists need to provide appropriate examples and motivation on a regular basis.  That is why a major section of this web-site deals with the subject of motivation.  Obviously, we might have the best evangelistic tools in the world, but if we are not motivated to use them, they will be ineffectual.  A very important part of this is to recognize what the barriers to evangelism are and how to overcome them.    I believe there are six major barriers that must be overcome.  I suggest you read the following Biblical Insight articles identifying these barriers and how to overcome them.  Click on the following link:  Why are so many Christians not sharing their faith?  

Secondly, it is not a problem of want to, but know how.  Christians need to be provided with evangelistic tools and shown how to use them!  Once Christians are given a “track to run on” and begin to see conversions as a result, it is amazing how quickly a congregation can be turned around. It is not long until a culture of soul winning is developed that glorifies God and is edifying to all.  Success breeds success and enthusiasm.  I have seen it happen in a good of number of congregations!  So, the first part of this Soul-Winners section leads with this important issue of know how!  There are lots of good evangelistic tools out there, but this site is dedicated primarily to the use of Ken Craig’s, The Big Picture of the Bible.    The first place I recommend you begin is by reading the Biblical Insights article entitled:  “The Big Picture of the Bible as an evangelistic tool.”   

Thirdly, you will need to purchase the actual Big Picture booklet.  I recommend you go directly to the publisher at www.deward.   If you are serious about this and want to purchase a full box for your congregation at a discount, call Dan Degarmo about what specials he currently has available at 740-412-7866.   After you read and highlight the booklet and get familiar with the material, you will be ready to down load the PDF version of the Big Picture  flip charts with notes at the bottom of each picture to assist in learning the presentation.    Keep in mind that in order to keep the presentation an hour or less, these versions only cover the first 2/3rd of Ken Craig’s Big Picture booklet.

The last 1/3rd of the booklet is entitled: “The Four Testimonies.” There is a Four Testimonies audio file available to help you get familiar with material if you are interested.  I would consider this last 1/3 of the Big Picture booklet OPTIONAL.  However, you may want to get familiar with it in case you need to present it in a follow-up session with your truth seeker. My experience is this is rarely necessary because the first 2/3rd of the Big Picture is so persuasive. Consequently, I would focus first on learning the first two thirds of the material which is what has proven so effective in evangelism.    By the way, if you are a preacher, “The Four Testimonies” makes a great sermon that your congregation will enjoy hearing! :)  If you would like to hear Ken Craig delivering the Big Picture material, including "The Four Testimonies" go to the congregational website where he serves as an elder: and click on the Big Picture icon on the left of the home page.

Power point versus use of the Flip-charts. Which is best? The Power Point slides have been used effectively in prison ministries.  Lyle Graddon, an elder at Kirkland, has made a pdf file of the power point slides and transferred it to his ipad for easy viewing. However, Ken Craig recommends the Power Point slides be used for formal presentations to Christians, and the flip chart version should be used when presenting to non-Christians. I agree with Ken.  However, if you feel you could use the actual Power Point presentation complete with the annimations,  you will have to get permission from Ken.  His personal email is: and his cell phone is:  205-835-4565.

Personally, I perfer the 8 1/2 " by 5 1/2"  flip charts with the notes because they can be used anywhere and are so easily placed in one’s Bible as a tool to use at any time! The fact they are less professional and polished may even be to the teacher’s advantage.   The "cliff notes" cuts down the learning curve significantly and increases the confidence of the newly trained soul-winner.  Since overcoming fear is one of the main barriers to evangelism, to me this a huge advantage.  Anything one can do to make this easier for Christians to learn, the more duplicable and useful an evangelistic tool this becomes. The key is to practice sharing the material with the flip charts until you are very comfortable.   Role-playing is the best way to learn.  Get with someone who is really good at it to schedule one-on-one time with you. They will be able to offer a helpful critique of how to present the lesson most effectively.

If possible, see if you can sit in on a “presentation” with someone who is experienced. There is nothing like being there to get the feel of how the lesson flows and works.  We have successfully asked folks to join us for a small group Big Picture presentation, so they are not alone, and those present are mostly Christians there to watch the presentation done by an experienced presenter.

Further, I suggest you listen to the mp3 files on your ipod when you are exercising or while you are in the car. Make it your own, but when you share it, keep it to a maximum of about 55 minutes.

Once you learn the presentation you will also find the word doc Tips for Sharing the Big Picture of the Bible very helpful for you to review.  You will find more suggestions and aids in training and mentoring others in evangelism, and on how to create an evangelistic culture in the following section on DUPLICATION.

The key is DUPLICATION.   The key to success in any personal evangelism program is duplication, and this is definitely duplicable!  Paul told Timothy “Commit these things unto faithful men, who will teach others” (2 Tim 2:2).  Your battle cry needs to be “Evangelism is not complete, until the evangelized become the evangelist.”  

Need some motivational material and a sermon to help drive this point home to your congregation?  Check out the Be Fruitful and Multiply word doc., the Be Fruitful and Multiply PowerPoint and the Be Fruitful and Multiply audio file.   I recently asked two ladies who responded well to their mentoring classes on the Big Picture to tell me what their experiences meant to them.  Check out what they had to say by clicking on the link:  Testimonials of Mariana, Kathy, and Nancy. 

After you learn the Big Picture and have some success, I challenge you to set up classes with other interested soul winners and teach them the lesson.  Here at Kirkland we met at the building on Tuesday and Thursday nights from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.   Members who signed up to be part of the “Peter, Paul, and Priscilla” group (those who committed to learn the lesson) could choose either night that was most convenient for them during the week.   We would have anywhere from six to twelve show up for the classes, including folks from other congregations.   I found if you have an introduction class as session 1, and then 7 classes going over about 10 pages at a time, and then two weeks going over “Asking for a Decision,”  “Counting the Cost of Discipleship, ” and “Answering Objections”  that it makes for a good approximately ten week class.   The closeness and camaraderie that is developed over this time is a great serendipity to having interested souls gather together to learn and share the gospel together.

You will find the PowerPoint and audio file entitled:  The Big Picture of the Bible—why it is so effective and how to get started, helpful to you in getting a congregation excited about the potential of this evangelistic method.   You will also find the word doc Tips for Sharing the Big Picture of the Bible successfully very helpful for you to review.  There is some overlap, but this word doc is must more extensive and covers things that I did not have time to cover when presenting it to a congregation as a part of a series.  This more detailed handout is a must to cover during any mentoring or training classes set up so interested soul winners can learn how to do personal evangelism.  I refer to these classes as fencing lessons in how to wield the sword of the spirit (Eph 6: 17).


Using the “Big Picture Business Cards”

There areBig Picture Business Cards” available that newly trained soul-winners can use to help them find those who are interested.  You may download the “clip art” the Big Picture of the Bible business cards by clicking on this link (front side, back side) and then have them printed as inexpensive business cards.   Keep them on your person and pass them out along with a brief explanation.  Stress what the Big Picture is and how it is a presentation that takes less than an hour to present.  It is like casting out “bait” so you can find out who is interested.   Think of these cards as your personal “Fishing Cards.” 

First of all, this works best on folks you have come to know rather than complete strangers.   However, strangers are sometimes receptive as well.   It takes very little time and effort to share these as the soul-winner bumps into people during their daily activities. One of my most recent conversions came from a lady who waited on us at Wells Fargo Bank, whom it turned out, knew one of our members.   A number of waiters and waitresses have been converted.  Seekers are everywhere, and often right underneath our noses! 

The front of the business card simply states:  “The Big Picture of the Bible.” The back side is a picture of a man studying the Bible and a telescope (showing the idea of “The Big Picture”) which simply says:  Understand how the Bible fits together and what the true gospel is all about in less than one hour!  The Bible is the most popular book in history yet also the most misunderstood.  I would love to present “The Big Picture of the Bible” to you at your convenience.  Give me a call!  Then there are blank lines for the soul-winner to place their name, phone, and email address. There are no copyright restrictions.  Use as you see fit.  These definitely should be in color!  Never just leave the card with folks, if they say “yes, ” get their contact information right then and tell them you will get back with them later to set up the presentation at a time that will fit their schedule.  Let them know there may be others present who are also interested in learning the presentation and that often these are done in small groups.   Not only will this make the presentation less intimidating to the seeker, but it will enable you to mentor others in the congregation so they can be there and watch an actual live presentation.   Having those present who are learning the Big Picture is the best way for them to learn.  Remember, the key is to mentor and train as many as possible in how to do the presentation.

Share with as many people as possible!

Our job is to “scatter the seed” on as much ground as possible and see what happens, just as laid out in the parable of the sower (Lk 8:5-15).  Don’t over analyze or prejudge people’s interest; just look for opportunities to present the gospel through the Big Picture!   The results are often amazing!  We do our part by sharing the gospel and then let God do His part and give “the increase” ( I Cor 3:6).   Don’t be discouraged when folks decline your offer.  The only way I know of that you can find a true seeker or a “good and honest heart” is to indiscriminately “scatter seed.”  

Keep in mind that Ken Craig’s “Big Picture” booklet is helpful for follow-up after an oral presentation, but not particularly effective as simple reading material.  The gospel is to be preached or shared personally, one on one whenever possible.  So, look for an opportunity to sit down with someone to share the message personally, in one hour or less!    Please, resist taking the easy way out.  Do not use the booklet as a tract and ask folks to read it on their own time.  This rarely works.  The power of the gospel shines through when it is presented by a saved person who does so with passion and sincerity!

Avoid getting into arguments

 Paul admonishes Timothy,  “The Lord's bond-servant must not be quarrelsome, but be kind to all, able to teach, patient when wronged, with gentleness correcting those who are in opposition, if perhaps God may grant them repentance leading to the knowledge of the truth” (II Tim 2: 24-25).   Simply encourage people to hear the presentation through, and then determine whether or not it makes sense.   Deflect any questions until after the presentation is complete, unless it is something they don’t understand as a matter of fact.   Let them know that most questions are answered throughout the presentation, so request that they hold off any questions until the end.  Remember, this is a presentation, and the promise is that it will take an hour or less.  You can’t do that if you allow yourself to be interrupted and distracted by side disagreements.

Always ask about their “spiritual journey” or “salvation experience” first

Before the presentation begins, thank the person for their interest in spiritual things and ask them if you may ask them an important question.  After they agree, ask them something like this:  “If you were to die tonight, is your life to the point where you are confident that you would be right with the Lord?”  If they say “no” – then say, “thank you for your candor.”    Salvation is not up to fate or chance but based upon choice.  The Big Picture presentation will help you to understand what you need to do and what your choices are if you wish to be right with God.    If they say “yes” --- or more likely--- “I hope so, or I think so” then say, okay…. “Tell me about your spiritual journey.”   Then take out a 3” by 5” card and ask them if you can write down their response because it is very important to get this right.

Then go through the process of finding out what they have done and at what point they felt they were SAVED, HAD HOPE OF HEAVEN, THEIR SINS WERE FORGIVEN, AND WHEN THEY BELIEVE THEY BECAME A CHRISTIAN.   Many will say they became a Christian when they “asked the Lord into their heart.”  Whatever they say, write it down and ask, “Is that right?”   Then ask if they have ever been baptized.   Many will say, “Yes, about a week after I was saved.”  Write down whatever they say the purpose of their baptism was, and put the card back in your pocket. 

The writing down of their salvation experience should be low key.  You will notice that “The Big Picture” flip chart does not include baptism in the original quotation of the great commission.  Again, the idea is to not discuss or stress baptism until after they have heard the gospel.

Keep in mind that you may need to refer back to their answers at the end of the lesson.   I find it important to get an objective answer to this question before they learn what the Bible teaches.   A large percentage of the time people will insist they were baptized for the remission of sins, even though they clearly stated the opposite just an hour ago!    Kindly express puzzlement and simply show them the card and ask,  “How could you have been baptized in order to have your sins forgiven, when you stated two weeks prior to your baptism that you  believed you were saved, had hope of heaven, and that your sins were forgiven?”  Now it is simply a question of whether or not they are willing to be honest.  Most eventually see that they have been playing a sort of mental gymnastics and applying this new knowledge back to a former act.   Read them Acts 19: 1-5 and show them that when Paul found out these brethren at Ephesus had sincerely been baptized wrong, he taught them the truth and immediately they “were baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus Christ” (Acts 19:5).  Most will then realize that they could not have been baptized scripturally, for the right purpose.  Then ask them, “Won’t you allow the same sincerity that caused you to be baptized into the Baptist denomination to cause you to ‘be baptized by one spirit into the one body’ (I Cor 12:13) for the remission of your sins?”

Always say a prayer as you begin and ask for God’s blessings and that our hearts will be open and enlightened as we hear God’s word.   By the way, none of this is part of the one hour time frame used for the presentation.  The clock starts after the salvation experience is written down, and the opening prayer is said.  Let the seeker know after the prayer and as you begin the presentation, that now is when the one hour or less time frame begins. 

Here is a summary of the resources available to assist with Duplication. 


THE IMPORTANCE OF FOLLOW-UP cannot be over emphasized.  This is an initial one-lesson approach, but it is NOT a one-shot or “Dip them and leave them type approach.”  God Forbid.  The Great Commission is twofold:  Make a disciple, then “continue to teach them whatsoever things I have commanded you” (Matt 28: 18-20).  In fact, the Divine imperative in the Great Commission is on the second teach, or on the need to disciple!   “The Big Picture” is designed to teach about the king first, and then follow up immediately with lessons on the kingdom, etc.  The biggest challenge with the whole process is keeping people faithful.  Retention has always been a major concern.  Even Jesus could not retain all of the chosen twelve, He had to deal with Judas, and at the cross only John was faithful.   On a congregation-wide basis you will find that making true disciples over time will be where the real work lies and it requires the whole congregation working together to be successful.  

As a part of your follow-up, make sure you have an extra copy of the “Big Picture” booklet to present to the truth seeker as a gift after they had heard the “Big Picture” presentation.   Write something personal in the front of the booklet.  Do not give them your copy of the flip chart.  There are a lot of personal notations to the presenter that makes it awkward to leave with the prospect.  They will often ask, but do not give them the flip chart, instead present them with the nice color booklet done in a readable paragraph format.  Remember, the booklet has the additional material in it regarding “The Four Testimonies” which you will want the person who has heard the Big Picture to take home and read to help reinforce what they have learned.

There are lots of first principle materials out there and most are well done.  You may want to use some of the more traditional multi-lesson evangelistic approaches as a good place to begin with a truth-seeker after you have introduced the gospel to them through the Big Picture.   However, it is very important that the new Christian gets started with the right devotional habits right away.  Capitalize on the enthusiasm that comes after one initially has obeyed the gospel and get them in the habit of daily Bible study and prayer time.  We have found Berry Kercheville’s eight-week Home study course, “Arising to walk in Newness of Life” excellent for this purpose.  It takes them through their first 50 days as a Christian and each day only takes about ten or fifteen minutes, so it is not overwhelming for the baby Christian or expecting too much.  Fortunately, this study guide is available as a free download and Berry has given permission for the use of this workbook.  So, you can use this download and run off as many copies as you need.      Make sure you get someone to help mentor and pair them up with the new convert to help teach and encourage them, and of course, hospitality is critical so the new convert is made to really feel a part of the congregation.  Check out the power point and audio file entitled:  Restoring NT Hospitality.   I recommend a follow-up “after care” program to make sure folks are assimilated socially.  If new converts do not develop new friends in the congregation within the first three to six months, the chances are very high that they will fall away.  Getting the new members socially involved and assimilated into the congregation is very important.

I also recommend you have the new Christian listen to two audio files adapted from Mid Knight entitled:  Five Things You Need To Remember, and Six thing you need to remember that He wants you to do.  Here are the associated PowerPoint files that are detailed enough you could print them out and simply use the slides as an outline for your work.  Click on Five Things you need to remember PP file, and Six things you must not Forget PP file.  

Being Busy about our Father’s Business.

It is also critical to get the new members involved in the local work and active using their unique talents.  I suggest you have them fill out this 70 question questionnaire entitled Direction for Discipleship which helps them to identify their special gifts.  Use the results to encourage them to begin using and developing their special talents as they grow in Christ. 

Continuing to Count the Cost of Discipleship

As a part of their discipleship, remind them of the Counting the Cost Lesson, that hopefully they have already thought through prior to becoming a Christian.  If not, make sure that early on they are made aware of the serious commitment they are making in three areas: 

  1. A commitment to their personal walk with Christ (holiness and devotion).
  2. A commitment to the body of Christ (including attendance, close one-another relationships in the body of Christ,  and submission to the elders).  I suggest you give them the handout on the One Another Passages to help the new Christian be aware of the importance placed in the scripture of how Christians are to function as a body and treat one another!
  3. To the lost and the mission of Christ. (As soon as the new Christian is grounded, begin teaching them to pray for and look for opportunities set up gospel presentations for others).  After the new Christian has been grounded, as soon as possible, encourage them to enroll in one of the Big Picture of the Bible mentoring classes which hopefully will be offered on a regular basis at the local congregation where you attend.

Resources available for this section of material are as follows:


In our heart of hearts we know this to be true.   Both individually and congregationally we need to continually be motivated to say on task.  Paul admonishes us “Let us not be weary in well doing” (Gal 6:9) because it happens to all of us at time.  One person complained to a famous motivational speaker, “You inspiration is short-lived, it does not last long.”  The motivator responded, “Neither does bathing,  that is why I recommend both daily.”   Indeed, the soul winner on a daily basis needs to keep him or herself motivated, and the wise preacher will regularly give doses of encouragement and motivation to his congregation. 

Dreaming the Dream, Seeing the Vision

If you are a church leader, I suggest you begin by helping the congregation have the right kind of vision and sense of mission.  This is critical to establishing the right kind of congregational culture.  No not embark upon a simple program.  Ninety-five per cent of all programs eventually fail!  What we have to strive to do is change who and what we are and how we see ourselves!  Do that and you have changed the culture successfully!  Once you do that, then the Lord works through the soul winners and the congregation in a way that is sustainable long term.

I suggest you consider two lessons to get you started, Risk takers, Care takers, and Undertakers, and follow that up with Dreaming the Dream and Seeing the Vision.  Then you will be ready to do “Vision Casting” and help the congregation come up with their own unique mission statement and plans for the future.  Here is a sample Vision Casting Form that you can use as a template and edit as you see fit to meet your own needs.  God speed in your efforts as a church leader to help the congregation to focus on long term goals and remember “Dream no small dreams, for they have not the courage to stir men’s souls.”

In regards to the Big Picture, I recommend you establish some specific guidelines to shoot for as you move forward.  The power point file entitled:  Setting goals and planning for the future will give you some ideas of how to go about doing this.

Laying the Foundation

Why are most churches not growing?  Before we can fix a problem we must look at where we are.  What are some solutions and how should this be scripturally fulfilled?  The lesson entitled The Greatest Need helps to answer these questions.   Why is it important that we have a priesthood of all believers and that every member of the body commits to participate in the cause of Jesus Christ, the salvation of human souls?   The lesson IF IT IS TO BE, IT IS UP TO ME is designed to stir up Christian soldiers and goes over eight reasons why each Christian in the congregation needs to be personally involved.  The greatest barrier to soul winning is the fear of rejection.  How can we restore NT courage and overcome the fear of rejection?  This lesson strives to answer that question and instill confidence in one’s salvation.  Ultimately we are involved in spiritual warfare.  How can we have victory in Jesus and overcome Satan?  Lay down the gauntlet and inspire Christians to succeed in their battle against Satan as they keep themselves saved and bring others out of darkness as well.

Building on the foundation

Once the vision is set and clear, field tested evangelistic tools are made available, and training classes have begun, the key is to “Be never lacking in zeal, fervent in Spirit, serving the Lord” (Rom 12:11)!  Now is the time to focus on restoring NT zeal, restoring NT boldness, and Restoring NT hospitality.   Churches grow off of visitor flow.  It is critical to get members to invite their friends and neighbors to services and to invitation events, which should be scheduled two or three times a year.  This foundational principal of church growth is covered in the lesson Four Simple Things We Can Do To Reach The Lost.   Members also need to understand the importance of giving our guests, once invited, a warm welcome!  The lesson on Entertaining Angels in Unawares is designed to help everyone in get involved in greeting our visitors so they will want to return!

Finishing the Job.  Persevering and not Giving up or Becoming Weary!

The Christian race is a marathon not a sprint!   We must learn perseverance in the Christian race and not give up when obstacles arise.  You can’t engage Satan and not begin to feel and experience his resistance, suffer some difficulties and bruises along the way.    The recommended lesson on perseverance ends with the statement of a missionary who died in China and left behind the following note on his desk:  “No reserve. No retreat. No regret.”  That is exactly the mentality that you want the church family to have as they approach their mission.

One of the most powerful and often overlooked sources of inspiration, especially for evangelism is the early Christians.  I love to begin a local work with a class on the life of Christ on Sunday morning, so we can study about the one on whom we must keep our focus (Heb 12:1), and then on Wednesday night study the stirring examples found in the book of Acts.   In addition to that I like to begin to introduce to the congregation the witness of early church history which is discussed later.  However, in this motivational section I believe stressing how the early Christians were successful under intense persecution and what we can learn from the “witness” of these martyrs, is inspiring!  What do we have to be afraid of today in comparison to what they faced? 



23 Things that Save


What happens if the seeker you are teaching still struggles with the idea that baptism is necessary for salvation?  I have found it helpful to share with them the article 23 things that save.  Instead of leaving the impression that we are exalting baptism above other important elements of salvation, it is powerful to point out that there are fourteen things that the Bible says is God’s part in salvation, and nine things that refer to man’s response to it.  Baptism is just one of the 23 things that save.  Which would you leave out?   If you would like to present this  by using power point, click on:  23 things that save pp file.  Obviously all 23 matter including baptism, if not, why not?

The Witness of History

What do you do when you are studying with someone and there are honest differences of interpretation of scripture?   I have found it very helpful to show historically that both the apostolic church and the primitive church (100 – 313 AD) spoke with one voice about basic Bible doctrines. 

The best resource for accurate historical writings using primary sources concerning what those literally in the shadow of the apostles believed and taught can be found at  Once on the site, click on “Books” and then on the “Our Most Popular Books” section.  I highly recommend their all-time best seller, “Will the Real Heretics Please Stand Up.” 

 The author David Bercot is not a member of the church of Christ, he is writing as an objective historian and was shocked at what he found.  He came to realize that what the early church believed and taught was strikingly different than what he was taught as an evangelical.  In fact, he came to realize that the early church would have viewed what he believed the Bible taught as heresy.  Who is most likely to have been right?  Those 1500 to 2000 years removed from the source,  or those closest to the source before the great apostasy?   Thus the title of his book:  “Will the real heretic please stand up.”  Though I would differ with Mr. Bercot on a few of his conclusions, over all it is a very powerful book that validates what we teach people about baptism, predestination, free will, modest apparel, and a whole host of other subjects.  If you agree to buy 10 or more copies and pass them out for evangelistic purposes you can buy them at cost for only $3.50 apiece.   On the left side of the site click on “Evangelism Discounts” and you will be able to see what discounts they are currently offering.

If you are interested,  I preached recently on “What the early Christians believed and does it really matter,” and “The Early Christians, what they believed.”  You might find these two lessons helpful to you as you become equipped as a soul-winner to use these historical resources as one of the “arrows in your quiver” as you go about teaching the lost.

A free resource I am providing for you is an unpublished work that a number of brothers and I put together many years ago, entitled: The Witness of History.  It consists simply of copies of pages out of reputable historical documents, and in many cases quotations from the early church fathers, as to what the early church believed. 

Studying with a 7th Day Adventist?  The Witness of History provides for you the source documents to demonstrate that the early church universally believed Sunday was the Lord’s day.  They worshipped on Sunday, not Saturday! 

Studying with someone who believes in partaking of the Lord ’s Supper quarterly?  Here are the historical facts that demonstrate that the early church partook of weekly communion every Sunday.   You get the idea.  
This approach is not about men’s opinions, but about what the real facts are concerning what for first three hundred years or more the early church believed and practiced.  The early Christians were following traditions passed on down from the apostles who were led by the Holy Spirit (Jn 16:13).   Should we not also do the same (2 Thess 3:6)?

In summary, here are the resources available to help you in using early church history in your evangelistic efforts.

(How to convict the sincerely deceived of religious error).

I have always been impressed with how God sent Nathan to confront David about his sin.  He first got him to agree in principle to what he had done, in a way that enabled David to remain objective and not allow his emotions to blind him to the truth.  As a result, when Nathan said, “Thou are the man!” he was hit with the realization that he had just done the same evil deeds in principal that he had just condemned so angrily. As a result he humbly and sincerely confesses: “I have sinned against the Lord” (I Sam 12:13).  I have put together a number of suggested ways to use this principal effectively in soul winning in the word doc outline entitled:  The Nathan Principle.  See below for the resources available on the site for understanding and using the Nathan Principles. 

MICHAEL SHANK's BOOK "A Muscle and a Shovel"

Michael Shanks’s well known book:  “A Muscle and a Shovel” is often a great follow up after one has peaked interest in the gospel. Go to for more information and to purchase these directly from the author.   It is a great resource!  Sign up for his email blast where he reports conversion stories of people who have been converted by reading his work.


This book was written by a young college student about his conversion experience.  It is similar to Shank's work, but is from a young person's perspective and deals with his coming out of a Lutheran and Pentecostal background.  Brother Mosher has made his book available as a free download which makes it easy to share and an especially easy resource to use.  You can download the free book at


This information is designed to enable any church leader to find everything they need to launch an effective soul winning out-reach, and to keep it going through on-going training classes, support, and motivation.  My prayer for you is that you can be a part of sparking a revival in your local church!

I am hopeful you will find the articles, audio-files, power point files, and other resources helpful tools for you in helping congregations to achieve revival.  These materials are referenced with hyper-links in the dialogue so you can understand their value and how they fit into an over strategy of both personal soul-winning and in motivating and creating a culture of evangelism.   These materials are also listed here separately as a bullet list for your easy reference and divided up into different categories so you will be able to find them easily.

This web-site will be updated and new resources added frequently.  So check back often!  Thanks for your interest and may God bless you richly!

Here is the MASTER BULLET LIST OF ALL the referenced materials.

 The problem is not "want to" but "know how."

Discipleship and follow-up is essential.

The problem is not "motives" but "motivation!" 
Audio files and PP files unless stated otherwise.

Additional soul-winning tools

Michael Shank's book "A Muscle and a Shovel"

Lance Mosher's book "Conformed, Reborn, Transformed: A Spiritual Journey"